Process Safety
Safety is at the forefront of Process Group's approach. Whether considering safe design for new facilities or identifying and reducing risks for existing plants, Process Group provides the necessary process safety expertise.
With consequence modelling capability we can provide a full assessment of risk and provide practical solutions for risk reduction to SFAIRP. We can advise on compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act, specialising in the Major Hazard Facilities regulations.
We have extensive experience in flare system and depressurising system design. We provide fire protection system design expertise to international codes and practice, including fire risk assessment and fire protection equipment performance testing.

Reducing risk by design
We consider safety in the design from concept development through to detailed design and construction. From alarms, trips and relief valves through LOPA, SIL and HAZOP assessment, Process Group delivers best practice in safe facility design.
- Alarm & trip requirements including LOPA and SIL assessments
- Overpressure relief requirements
- Relief valve sizing and selection
- Flare system design and assessment
- Fire protection system design
- Consequence modelling - leak dispersion, fire and explosion
- Hazardous area assessment
- Functional safety assessment
Process Group can assess a facility's existing risks and provide advice and support to reduce the risk to align with Worksafe requirements and the principles of SFAIRP.
- Risk assessment
- Risk reduction analysis
- Safety critical element and control element identification
- SFAIRP demonstration
Tools and Capability
Process Group utilises the world's leading engineering software, to deliver unparalleled accuracy and certainty. Our highly experienced team has best-in-class process engineering capability in a number of areas including Process Simulations, Relief & Flare System Design, Consequence Modelling (PHAST), Heat Exchanger Design and Optimisation.
The leading solution for hazard analysis, DNV software allows for a safer, smarter and greener future in the energy and process industries. With 45+ years of experience in strength assessment of offshore structures, DNV allows us to determine the impacts of a range of hazards including discharge, dispersion, toxins, explosion, flammable risk and radiation.
Isograph's integrated software products provide a powerful and comprehensive suite of tools to solve complex problems. This includes reliability and safety analysis, availability simulation and maintenance optimisation, security analysis and threat assessment, network availability prediction and hazard and operability studies.